Friday, July 29, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Американски щати признават българския език за официален

5 tips for creating activity instructions in PowerPoint

Ето защо музиката на Моцарт е толкова лечебна

MoraModules Content (a model online business related to language teaching)

The Communicative Approach

"Characteristics of the Communicative Classroom 

The classroom is devoted primarily to activities that foster acquisition of L2.  Learning activities involving practice and drill are assigned as homework.
The instructor does not correct speech errors directly.
Students are allowed to respond in the target language, their native language, or a mixture of the two.
The focus of all learning and speaking activities is on the interchange of a message that the acquirer understands and wishes to transmit, i.e. meaningful communication.
The students receive comprehensible input in a low-anxiety environment and are personally involved in class activities. Comprehensible input has the following major components:
            a. a context

            b. gestures and other body language cues

            c. a message to be comprehended

            d. a knowledge of the meaning of key lexical items in the utterance"

MoraModules Content (a model online business related to language teaching)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Communicative Approach

"Characteristics of the Communicative Classroom 

The classroom is devoted primarily to activities that foster acquisition of L2.  Learning activities involving practice and drill are assigned as homework.
The instructor does not correct speech errors directly.
Students are allowed to respond in the target language, their native language, or a mixture of the two.
The focus of all learning and speaking activities is on the interchange of a message that the acquirer understands and wishes to transmit, i.e. meaningful communication.
The students receive comprehensible input in a low-anxiety environment and are personally involved in class activities. Comprehensible input has the following major components:
            a. a context

            b. gestures and other body language cues

            c. a message to be comprehended

            d. a knowledge of the meaning of key lexical items in the utterance"

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

5 tips for creating activity instructions in PowerPoint