
What Is Picky Eating?

woman looking at broccoli

You probably picture a stubborn toddler refusing to eat broccoli. But adults can struggle with it, too. They usually have a very limited set of favorite foods, made a certain way. They don't like to try new foods and might even pass on something familiar if it looks, smells, or tastes different than usual.


The Worst Offenders

peas and carrots

A survey of nearly 500 picky-eating adults found that bitter and sour foods are especially unpopular. So are slippery or slimy foods, like eggs. Picky eaters tend to skip vegetables. They're also not fans of foods with "lumps," like stew. And they don't like it when foods get mixed together (peas and carrots, for example) or even touch each other on the plate.


What Do They Eat?

grilled cheese

For the most part, picky eaters stick to bland comfort foods like french fries, grilled cheese, toast, and crackers. They usually do OK with salty and sweet foods.


Picky Kids Become Picky Adults

little girl disgusted by vegetables

In many cases, they grew up with parents who put pressure on eating and made mealtimes stressful. They may have had a negative experience with food, like choking.