Wednesday, December 16, 2015

6 Steps & 6 tips - Starting an online teaching business

6 Steps & 6 tips - Starting an online teaching business
6 Steps & 6 Tips – Starting an online teaching businessStarting an online teaching business has never been so easy. Many people teach online for a little extra cash, some people teach online as a full time job. The worldwide market for self-paced e-learning reached $46.9m in 2015 with the top buying countries being the US, China, Canada, South Korea, and India. This is a market to be in, especially if you are looking for some additional income or want to work from home. Here are my 6 steps and 6 tips on starting an online teaching business.
1) Become a learner
It is important if you plan on teaching online that you have completed some online courses. By doing this you will see what works and what does not work and you will gain valuable tips and tricks on e-learning, educational technology and presentation styles.
My Tip: Take courses from different learning sites to give you a broader feel for what is possible. Popular sites include Coursera, Edx, and Udemy
2) Select a Topic
When you are selecting a topic for your first course, my advice to you is to pick a topic that you are already familiar with. Something that you are passionate about, because your passion will shine through in the delivery. When you have more experience teaching online and producing online courses you can then venture to other topics. But if it is your first course, teach something you know and enjoy.
My tip: When you pick your generative topic, let’s say its Bookkeeping, find a good discussion forum and see what questions people keep asking, for example in a forum on bookkeeping questions are always asked about Double Entry Bookkeeping. Looks like a course on Double Entry might help a lot of people. If your course can solve a problem, it has a good chance of doing well.
3) Prepare a course outline
When you have the topic, you then need to prepare a course outline. What is it that you want the student to learn about the topic? This is what’s known as the learning objectives. Once you have a list of learning objectives, you need to figure out how you will pass the knowledge to the learner and ensure that they have a level of understanding that you hope for. Will quizzes help? Will activates help? What about project work? Should you use a script?
My Tip: When you are preparing a course outline, you should aim to address only one learning objective in each lesson. For your first course, keep it short. One maybe two hours of content will be enough.

4) Get on camera
The quickest way to start an online teaching business is to make video tutorials where you are on camera. There are a number of other options for presenting material online as education technology has come a long way in the last few year. But if you are just starting out, video has the smallest learning curve. When you are more experienced teaching online, these videos can be combined with other tools for a better learning experience.
My Tips: If you are appearing on camera lighting is a must. Check out this video on how my talking head videos have improved
5) Select a LMS
A Learning Management Systems is where your course will be delivered from, and you need to select the LMS. There are a number of options available. You can use a WordPress LMS plugin, you can post your content behind a membership wall, or you can host your courses on shared LMS such as teachable. In addition to this, there are also a number of course market place platforms such as Udemy and Curious that bring with them a market full of people wanting to learn.
My Tip: Start with a platform such as Udemy. This way you can gain experience teaching online and producing courses without the hassle of also managing a system
6) Market Market Market
An online course is just like any other digital product. You will need to spend time marketing your courses and brining in students. Write blogs, join communities and partake in conversation. Host blabs and become the go to expert in your topic. Grow followers and a social presence
My Tip: Don’t start by selling, start by becoming the expert.
If you are starting your journey as an edupreneur by teaching online courses, why don’t you drop a comment below and let me know how you are getting on. And if you are a more experienced online teach, I would love to hear any tips you have

Monday, November 16, 2015

Българските змейове, обсадили върховете на световната анимация / Първият трейлър излиза на 16 ноември <

Димитър: „Ghibli” точно затова са готини, защото те имат тези елементи, има го социалния коментар, но не третират анимацията като нещо, насочено към деца. Те правят приказки, които могат да се гледат от възрастни и от деца. „Принцеса Мононоке” е най-добрият пример, филм, който като малък много гледах и ми е повлиял. Според мен анимацията е точно това, което те правят – много приказни и интересни истории, които засягат и съвременни сюжети.

Ели: Много е ключово, че анимацията там не се възприема като жанр. Анимацията е метод, а жанрът може да е комедия, приключение, драма. Тя може да е за деца и за възрастни.

Димитър:... А и съвременният комикс се счита за наследство на плакатите, които се появяват през ПСВ. Но всичко е оплетено по един невероятен начин и това, че хората мислят, че анимацията е насочена към децата, понякога играе добра роля, защото така се вмъкват разни неща, които иначе не биха могли да бъдат разказани.

Pronunciation Skills: Introduction - YouTube

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Езиковите съвети на един 86-годишен полиглот -

Езиковите съвети на един 86-годишен полиглот -
... повечето от езиците, които е успяла да научи, е усвоила изключително с учебници и оригинална литература на целевия език.
... В основата на подхода й е принципът на "пълно потапяне в езика" - развитието на граматиката в ума трябва да се съчетава успоредно с четене на оригинални текстове и запаметяване на поставените фрази, най-често използвани в речта.
... Съветите й са следните:
1. Ученето на чужд език е ежедневен ангажимент. Ако не разполагате с достатъчно време, можете да отделите за него 10 минути дневно. Особено добър вариант е това да се случва сутрин.
2. Ако усещате, че желанието ви да учите езика отслабва твърде бързо, не се насилвайте. В същото време не се отказвайте. Помислете за каквато и да е друга форма на самообучение: оставете книгата и слушайте радио на чуждия език. Оставете урока за упражнения и прелистете речника.
3. Никога не наизустявайте фрази, извадени от контекста.
4. Учете готови фрази, които могат да се използват във възможно най-голям брой случаи.
5. Опитайте мислено да превеждате всичко възможно. Надписите на светещите табла, на плакатите, фрази от дочути разговори. Това учене винаги е почивка, дори за една уморена глава.
6. Учете най-засилено това, което учителят коригира. Понякога не четем своите собствени коригирани упражнения. При многократно четене на погрешни текстове съхраняване несъзнателно всички възможни грешки.
7. Готовите фрази и идиомите трябва да се пишат в първо лице единствено число. Например „I am only pulling your leg” (“закачам се с теб“) на английски език.
8. Чуждестранните езици са крепост, която трябва да се щурмува едновременно от всички страни. С четене на вестници, слушане на радио, гледане на филми без субтитри, посещаване на лекции, свързани с чуждия език, работа с начинаещи, кореспонденция, срещи и диалози с приятели – местни и лектори.
9. Не се бойте да говорите, не се страхувайте да правите на глас евентуални грешки и да искате те да бъдат коригирани. И най-важното е да не се притеснявате и да не се обиждате, ако наистина започнат да ви поправят.
10. Трябва да бъдете твърдо убедени, че на всяка цена ще постигнете целта, която имате. Необходими са несломима воля и силен талант, за да се изучават езици.
Ломб предлага и проста формула, която определя резултата в развитието на езика.
Тя е
изминалото време = резултат + лихви.
(време+лихви) / страх да не се направи грешка = резултат.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

How come; How is it that ; How did you come to; How come it | WordReference Forums

How come; How is it that ; How did you come to; How come it | WordReference Forums
  1. Hi,

    "How come" is quite informal and tends to mean "why" - "how come you didn't go to the match last week?" I would think this would be too informal for an essay. I'm not sure it implies that the person did the action on purpose - e.g. "how come she drowned?" is fine but does not have that implication.

    "How did you come to" sounds quite formal to me and a bit stilted - "how did you come to be at the scene of the crime?" I would say the meaning is more "how" than "why", although the two things do tend to be related...

    "How is it that" sounds a bit stiff to me. I certainly think it would be unusual where you are referring to a person. Again the meaning is more "how" than "why".

    "How did that come about / how did it come about that" is another expression in this family - quite common and again means "how".

  2. misterkModerator

    Elaborating on Assurancetourix's reply, from an AE perspective:

    Agree that "How come" is too informal for an essay, and should be replaced with "why?" And "how come" does not imply agency on the part of the person being questioned. How come they're not having fireworks this year?
    "How did you come to.." is quite common in interview situations. It means "what is the chain of events that led to...?" How did you come to adopt three children from Kenya? How did you come to join our church?
    "How is it that..." is also fairly common in AE. Many times it is used with a tone of annoyance. How is it that every time I need help, you're someplace else? How is it that these meetings always run an hour longer than planned?

These countries speak English as a second language best

These countries speak English as a second language best

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

high-flying Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

high-flying Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

High-flying student = отличен студент


... и :

Невероятна находка! Става дума за разглезени богати англичанчета, всеки с някаква страст: към обувки, бижута, чанти и т.н. Събират ги заедно и ги изпращат САМИ да произведат нещата, които купуват. И, естествено, се шашкат. Вижда се промяната в мисленето им, учудването им, възмущението им.
Връзки към всички епизоди от поредицата:
Епизод 1
Епизод 2
Епизод 3
Епизод 4
Епизод 5

Up and down the street -

Up and down the street
As a rule of thumb, in the US if you walk along the street and the addresses go higher (35 Main Street, 40 Main Street, 48 Main Street, etc), then you're walking "up" the street." If the addresses descend (30 Main, 24 Main, 20 Main), then you're walking "down" the street. It is also used in relation to your own physical position on the street. If you are giving someone directions from where you're standing, you'd say "it's three blocks up the street" if you wanted them to head north, and "three blocks down the street" if they needed to go south.
"Down the street" and "along the street" are always correct, though, and easily understood

Thursday, July 16, 2015



english vocabulary garden elementary - Google search

Friday, July 10, 2015

BBC Learning English - Course: lower intermediate / Unit 1 / Session 5 / Activity 3

Eliminating The Parasites That You Almost Certainly | Healthy News and Information

Eliminating The Parasites That You Almost Certainly | Healthy News and Information
Symptoms of Parasite Infection
  • Repeated diarrhea or constipation
  • Chronic, unexplained nausea, often accompanied by vomiting
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Intestinal cramping
  • Unexplained dizziness
  • Foul-smelling gas
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating
  • Multiple food allergies
  • Loss of appetite
  • Itching around the anus, especially at night
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Difficulty maintaining a healthy weight (over or underweight)
  • Itching on the soles of the feet, often accompanied by a rash
  • Coughing blood (severe cases)
  • Palpitations (Hookworms)
  • Anemia
  • Facial swelling around the eyes (roundworms)
  • Wheezing and coughing, followed by vomiting, stomach pain and bloating (suggesting roundworms or threadworms)
Treatment Options
If a conventional doctor believes that you have parasites, he will prescribe you an anti-parasitic pharmaceutical. These pharmaceuticals are always toxic, for it is their toxicity that kills parasites. Thus, swelling of the lymph nodes, hands and feet are common, whilst vision problems, lack of coordination, and convulsions can also occur. Diarrhea is typical with these drugs.
These are the most commonly used natural substances for eliminating parasitic infections:
  • Black Walnut Hulls
  • Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub)
  • Common Cloves (from the clove tree)
  • Pumpkin Seeds, or Pumpkin Seed Oil Capsules
  • Garlic
  • Neem (Do not take neem if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, because it can work as a contraceptive.)
  • Thyme leaf and seed
  • Marshmallow root
  • Diatomaceous Earth
Blends of the above ingredients, with marketing names like ‘Para-Clear’.
We would not recommend choosing one of the corporate formulas, since they are usually overpriced and formulated with low concentrations. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to examine each formula, and evaluate them.
Diatomaceous earth is the best natural anti-parasitic medication. It is actually an all-natural pesticide which does not harm humans or pets. It is believed to kill insects, worms and parasites by dehydrating them. When used on ants, it usually takes around 20 minutes before they are all dead. One tablespoon of diatomaceaous earth taken by an adult once a day for seven days is believed to be extremely effective at killing all parasites. If this is going to be given to children, bear in mind that height is a better indicator of the size of their G.I. tract than their weight. Thus, a child who is 4 feet tall should take 2 teaspoons, and a child who is 2 feet tall should take 1 teaspoon. If you take this route, we advise you to only buy food grade. Industrial diatomaceous earth is used for swimming pool filters, but it has been chemically treated, and this type is not safe to eat. Try to avoid rubbing it onto your hands, as it can have a drying effect upon the skin. Diatomaceous earth contains heavy metals as part of its mineral content, but it also contains the natural antidote, selenium, which allows otherwise accumulative heavy metals to be flushed from the body. Therefore, it is not really a health concern despite the presence of aluminum and lead. We recommend taking selenium supplements for a week after discontinuing this treatment to ensure that the body thoroughly flushes all of the heavy metals. Our research indicates that diatomaceous earth is the best overall parasite treatment for humans, because it should likewise kill all microscopic blood-born parasites as well. When using it, be sure to drink plenty of fluids, because it will dehydrate a person considerably.
Wormwood and black walnut hulls are known to kill adult worms, whilst cloves kill worm eggs. Some people use this trio for treating parasites, instead of diatomaceous earth. It is recommended that you take 500 mg. of wormwood and black walnut hulls, whilst taking 1/2 teaspoon of cloves daily for around 14 days. All other herbs mentioned are used in addition to these two core protocols.
As parasites die, they release toxins through their excrement, and from rotting. The most common parasites, the worm type, attempt to escape by burrowing deeper into the intestines, which can cause sharp pains and cramps. Even when dead, the body is still burdened with the task of flushing them out. This whole process can initially make the person feel sicker than before he started the cleanse, but this is only temporary, and it is a sign that the cleanse is working. While fatigue and grogginess are also to be expected, normal life may be continued, and diarrhea should not occur. Ensure that you are eating a good, wholesome diet throughout the cleanse to ensure that your immune system is at its strongest. After the cleanse, you should feel better, have more energy, and experience sickness less often.
Source: The Health Wyze Report

Go Set A Watchman: read the first chapter - interactive | Books | The Guardian

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Using a text - While reading activities | Premier Skills English

Using a text - While reading activities | Premier Skills English
Keep the activity simple and global. If you ask the learners toconcentrate too much you’ll be making the reading more difficult rather than easier.
Try to focus the activity on such high level mental skills as visualisation, inner speech, interpretation, evaluation, prediction etc.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A dogma for EFL <

My one-to-one student just wants to chat | Recipes for the EFL Classroom

My one-to-one student just wants to chat | Recipes for the EFL Classroom
timjulian says:
May 4, 2015 at 4:34 pm

Hi Jonny, really nice idea and template, which I’m going to nick! I also find it useful (on occasions) to record my private students on my phone using an app like Recordium (I’m sure there are many others). I often do this to practise presentation skills. The student thinks for a sec what he/she wants to say before beginning. I normally limit the recording to a couple of minutes, then we playback, analyse errors, and, most importantly the student has another go, trying to improve accuracy and fluency. I’ll often say after the first attempt, especially if there were a lots of ums and ers, “OK, that was 2′ 36″ – now try to say the same thing in less than two minutes. They find it really helpful in my experience.

Monday, April 13, 2015

stephen krashen theories - Google Search

stephen krashen theories - Google Search
  • Krashen's 6 Hypotheses
  • How can I create a supportive learning environment?
  • Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language AcquisitionNatural assimilation - the Constructivism in Communicative Language Teaching

Впечатлението ми е , че теорията/ите на Spephen Krashen са теоретично изразяване и избистряне на концепцията и практиката на Сугестопедията на д-р Лозанов. Крашен отива по-далече в това теоретично изкристализиране отколкото самия д-р Лозанов според мен. Някогашна сътрудничка на д-р Лозанов от Института по сугестология и сугестопедия го описа като чудесен мениджър с авторитарен стил. Всъщност той наистина е успял да събере хора от много специалности, с чиято помощ или по-скоро съвместно са разработили практиката, като са използвали и много апаратура. Но ето че тук виждам теоретични постулати, които някак излизат от контекста.

Larry Ferlazzo: ESL/ELL error correction - Yes, No or Maybe? | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Larry Ferlazzo: ESL/ELL error correction - Yes, No or Maybe? | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
These studies point to similar hindrances resulting from correcting written grammatical errors, saying that it contributes to stress that inhibits language learning.
These two points of view partially rely on varying perspectives on the difference between language "acquisition" and language "learning." To "acquire" language, according to many who question the use of error correction, it is important to have a greater emphasis on communication rather than the correct form. Researchers like Stephen Krashen would suggest that "learning" a language in schools can, instead, focus too much on the correct forms through grammar instruction and worksheets and not result in students actually being able to communicate effectively in the real world.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Grit is the Key to Success - Zaption

Grit is the Key to Success - Zaption

<iframe src="//" width="980" height="540" frameBorder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Thursday, April 2, 2015

How teachers can recognise and help children with autism | British Council

Live Plenary Schedule | IATEFL Online

Online coverage of the Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition
49th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition
Manchester Central, Manchester, UK
11th-14th April 2015
Join us for IATEFL Manchester Online for live coverage of 2015 Manchester IATEFL Conference.
If you can't attend the 2015 IATEFL Conference, follow the event online!
Manchester Online coverage starts: 10th April, 2015
Manchester Online will provide live online conference coverage of the 2015 Manchester IATEFL Conference.
Our coverage will feature talks, sessions and live video interviews with conference presenters and delegates.
Over 80,000 teachers followed our 2014 Harrogate IATEFL Online coverage.
For updates on Manchester Online 2015, follow IATEFL Online on twitter @iateflonline
The IATEFL Online project is a British Council / IATEFL partnership.
Live Plenary Schedule | IATEFL Online

Live Plenary Schedule
On each day of the conference, we'll be providing the morning plenary live via Manchester Online.
We'll also be providing live coverage throughout the day where you'll be able to watch our daily coverage broadcast live from the Manchester Online studio.
Please see details of the live plenary schedule below
Live Schedule: SummaryFriday 10th April - our live coverage starts from 12.00 with interviews and news from Manchester
Saturday 11th April
0900-1025 Opening Plenary by Donald Freeman
1100-1700 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
Sunday 12th April0900-1010 Plenary by Joy Egbert
1030-1700 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
Monday 13th April0900-1010 Plenary by Ann Cotton
1030-1700 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
Tuesday 14th April0900-1010 Plenary by Harry Kuchah
1030-1330 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
1415-1430 Clossing address

Monday, March 23, 2015

Past Continuous - Examples in Songs! - YouTube

If you're looking for something to read, check out these links! > FB, British Council

If you're looking for something to read, check out these links! > FB, British Council

1) Stories & Poems from LearnEnglish and Learn English Teens!

2) Lit2Go - free classic novels, stories and poems from the University of Southern Florida. Read online, listen or download and print.
3) Library of American Short Stories - a great mix of classic and modern short stories
4) Project Gutenberg Australia - Lots of modern classics from Fitzgerald, Orwell, Woolf and more

Art Least: 3-2-1 Bridge: A creative warm-up and follow-up routine

Sunday, March 1, 2015

How young children learn English through play | British Council

How young children learn English through play | British Council

Five important tips for teachers who are new to this age group:
  1. Establish a set of classroom rules from day one. This will help you control behaviour within the classroom. Remind them of the rules regularly.
  2. Use procedures to organise the class. Children at this stage need to know what to do before activities begin. Remember that instructions need to be straightforward, and activities should be demonstrated (modelled) in advance.
  3. When conflicts arise, do not panic. Show yourself at ease and approach the students at their level, making eye contact. Speak to them with a soft tone of voice.
  4. Show enthusiasm about the activities they are going to participate in. Be part of the activities as well.
  5. Have a set of songs, chants and quick games to hand to keep their attention. You can use them at any moment in the class to change from one activity to the other.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Why do English teachers have to be native speakers? | The Japan Times

Why do English teachers have to be native speakers? | The Japan Times
Mark Shrosbree, the former vice-chair of the Foreign Language Center at Tokai University in Kanagawa, points out that, in business, education and travel, Japanese people are far more likely to encounter non-Western, non-native speakers. In his 2004 book “The Language Revolution,” British linguist David Crystal estimated that non-native speakers of English outnumber native speakers three to one.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Do boys need male teachers to learn a language? | British Council

Do boys need male teachers to learn a language? | British Council

PAPERLESS: Do You Provide Content For Students or Draw It From Them?

[PAPERLESS:] Do You Provide Content For Students or Draw It From Them?
... socially-constructed knowledge as opposed to paper-led facts.
... emergent intelligence & linguistic awareness as opposed to expense, bored scribbles and static scripts.
... emotional/social intelligence, self-expression and the story of language.
... everyday interaction as opposed to gluts of paper blocking the flow of humanistic linguistics.
3) What are the pedagogical reasons for running a paperless classroom?The advantage is primarily that it switches the focus of the course from providing content for the students to drawing the content from them. Classes became primarily about the students talking about their experiences and interests.

5) What was the most fundamental insight you gained?Consistency of approach is the most powerful tool in education. No one activity, no matter how engaging, will lead to learning. It is the consistent implementation of an approach in all classes and by all teachers that makes a progamme successful.

English teachers, are you asking the right questions? | British Council

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Improve Your English by Watching Friends – 3 Steps on How to Actively Watch TV Shows | English with a Twist

Motivation | Premier Skills English

Motivation | Premier Skills English

Teacher talk - Motivating students

Teacher talk is a new series of videos featuring some of our TeachingEnglish Associates speaking about important teaching issues.
In this video, the theme is student motivation. Watch David Petrie, Adam Simpson, Lizzie Pinard, Chia Suan Chong, Anthony Gaughan, David Dodgson and Rachael Roberts discuss areas such as establishing learning objectives, giving activities a meaningful purpose, students' inherent motivation, varying activities and giving students a choice.

Начало | Гри училище