Monday, April 13, 2015

stephen krashen theories - Google Search

stephen krashen theories - Google Search
  • Krashen's 6 Hypotheses
  • How can I create a supportive learning environment?
  • Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language AcquisitionNatural assimilation - the Constructivism in Communicative Language Teaching

Впечатлението ми е , че теорията/ите на Spephen Krashen са теоретично изразяване и избистряне на концепцията и практиката на Сугестопедията на д-р Лозанов. Крашен отива по-далече в това теоретично изкристализиране отколкото самия д-р Лозанов според мен. Някогашна сътрудничка на д-р Лозанов от Института по сугестология и сугестопедия го описа като чудесен мениджър с авторитарен стил. Всъщност той наистина е успял да събере хора от много специалности, с чиято помощ или по-скоро съвместно са разработили практиката, като са използвали и много апаратура. Но ето че тук виждам теоретични постулати, които някак излизат от контекста.

Larry Ferlazzo: ESL/ELL error correction - Yes, No or Maybe? | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Larry Ferlazzo: ESL/ELL error correction - Yes, No or Maybe? | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
These studies point to similar hindrances resulting from correcting written grammatical errors, saying that it contributes to stress that inhibits language learning.
These two points of view partially rely on varying perspectives on the difference between language "acquisition" and language "learning." To "acquire" language, according to many who question the use of error correction, it is important to have a greater emphasis on communication rather than the correct form. Researchers like Stephen Krashen would suggest that "learning" a language in schools can, instead, focus too much on the correct forms through grammar instruction and worksheets and not result in students actually being able to communicate effectively in the real world.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Grit is the Key to Success - Zaption

Grit is the Key to Success - Zaption

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Thursday, April 2, 2015

How teachers can recognise and help children with autism | British Council

Live Plenary Schedule | IATEFL Online

Online coverage of the Annual International IATEFL Conference & Exhibition
49th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition
Manchester Central, Manchester, UK
11th-14th April 2015
Join us for IATEFL Manchester Online for live coverage of 2015 Manchester IATEFL Conference.
If you can't attend the 2015 IATEFL Conference, follow the event online!
Manchester Online coverage starts: 10th April, 2015
Manchester Online will provide live online conference coverage of the 2015 Manchester IATEFL Conference.
Our coverage will feature talks, sessions and live video interviews with conference presenters and delegates.
Over 80,000 teachers followed our 2014 Harrogate IATEFL Online coverage.
For updates on Manchester Online 2015, follow IATEFL Online on twitter @iateflonline
The IATEFL Online project is a British Council / IATEFL partnership.
Live Plenary Schedule | IATEFL Online

Live Plenary Schedule
On each day of the conference, we'll be providing the morning plenary live via Manchester Online.
We'll also be providing live coverage throughout the day where you'll be able to watch our daily coverage broadcast live from the Manchester Online studio.
Please see details of the live plenary schedule below
Live Schedule: SummaryFriday 10th April - our live coverage starts from 12.00 with interviews and news from Manchester
Saturday 11th April
0900-1025 Opening Plenary by Donald Freeman
1100-1700 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
Sunday 12th April0900-1010 Plenary by Joy Egbert
1030-1700 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
Monday 13th April0900-1010 Plenary by Ann Cotton
1030-1700 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
Tuesday 14th April0900-1010 Plenary by Harry Kuchah
1030-1330 Interviews from Manchester Online studio
1415-1430 Clossing address