Friday, March 13, 2020

PechaKucha: a 20×20 storytelling and presentation format

About Us

PechaKucha (Japanese for “CHIT CHAT”) is the world’s fastest-growing storytelling platform, used by millions around the globe.

PechaKucha is what “Show and Tell” always DREAMED OF becoming.

20 slides. 20 seconds of commentary per slide. That’s it. Simple. Engaging. SPURRING authentic connections.

PechaKucha is the ideal tool to share passions and DROP SOME KNOWLEDGE.

Global innovators use the PechaKucha platform to create powerful, VISUALLY-COMPELLING stories that MOVE AUDIENCES in less than 7 minutes.

Where People Use PechaKucha:

PechaKucha Nights. People share HILARIOUS, heartwarming, TEAR-JERKING PechaKucha presentations at BRICK & MORTAR (Note 1 in the end) venues around the world. And when we say people we really mean anyone with something to say can present. No professional public speakers here. Audiences at PK Nights range from 50 to 5,000.

PechaKucha for Business. 

Companies around the world use PechaKucha as a simple and NIMBLE way to inform and SPARK CO-WORKER CONNECTIVITY. Whether it be ONBOARDING new employees, explaining a complicated company project, or to share company happenings -- PechaKucha helps businesses keep talking AT A MINIMUM and employee engagement AT A MAXIMUM.

PechaKucha for Schools. 

PechaKucha is used in GRADES K - College as a learning tool for both educators and students. The 20X20 format enriches any subject material and makes presentations more engaging. Digital-native Learners enjoy the simplicity and directness PechaKucha brings to their education.

Creative. Connective. Authentic. Memorable. FUN!

PechaKucha Origins

PechaKucha began because, well, because people talk too much!

In 2003, YEARNING FOR “More show. Less tell,” architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham of Tokyo’s Klein Dytham architecture invented PechaKucha. The initial purpose: TO STREAMLINE long design presentations. Sessions soon MORPHED into HAPPENINGS: PechaKucha Nights first in Tokyo, then around the world. Today, more than 50,000 people present at 1,100+ global PechaKucha Nights every year. And the number keeps exploding. Today schools and business use PechaKucha to creatively and effectively engage students and employees on a range of subject matters.

1 "BRICK-AND-MORTAR": a traditional street-side business that offers products and services to its customers face-to-face in an office or store that the business owns or rents. The local grocery store and the corner bank are examples of brick-and-mortar

A YouTube PK on PK:

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