Thursday, December 29, 2016

5 Speaking Rules you need to know!

57 ways to improve your fluency

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

NEST: always the right choice?

Nine interesting foreign language research findings you may not know about

Monday, December 19, 2016

The science of storytelling: why telling a story is the most powerful way to activate our brains

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

What to look for when you're buying land for permaculture

Monday, December 12, 2016

ESL teachers board / job adds

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Friday, November 18, 2016

InterNations Community of Expats in Bulgaria!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

!!! Strategies for Developing Speaking Skills

Strategies for Developing Speaking Skills <

Speaking Strategies for English Learners <

Many English students complain that they understand English, but don't feel confident enough to join a conversation. There are a number of reasons for this including:
  • Students are trying to translate from their native language into English.
  • Production "blocking" is occurring due to nervousness, lack of confidence, etc.
  • The speaker is looking for a specific word, rather than using simple language to describe what is meant.
  • There aren't enough conversation opportunities in or outside of class.
  • Students aren't able to speak to peers (for example: mixed classes of adults and teenagers).
  • Exam preparation focuses on grammar, vocabulary, etc. and leaves little time for active use.

“Say That Again?” Why We Should Teach Strategies for Listening and Speaking <

Understanding that proper strategy use is contextualized – that it will vary by situation – is key to students’ ability to apply strategies to real life tasks.  It is not enough to simply present a strategy and have students practice it during academic tasks.Instruction must explore how that strategy will be applied in a variety of different real-world activities – or contexts – in order to be sure students can use the strategy to meet varied communication purposes. 


  • Speak out loud. ...
  • Develop intrapersonal communication. ...
  • Try to imitate/emulate/reproduce/mirror/copy the speakers you admire. ...
  • Watch News. ...  L
  • Pick a topic to talk about. ...
  • Paint a picture with your words. ...
  • Watch the TV shows you like. ... L
  • Listen to podcasts. L
    ... R

Typical speaking tasks

Teaching speaking skills 1<

Using Speaking Strategies [pre-, during, post...] < / 

Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language <

7 Turn-taking Strategies That Will Boost Student Speaking Time <

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to Teach Listening in the ESL Classroom

Teaching Listening

Strategies for Developing Listening Skills,

Five essential listening skills for English learners,

The ageless row vegan... Mimi Kirk, 75

Annette Larkins – Ageless Woman Script

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Lost Luggage – Speaking Activity

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Interesting Contact page

Hit us up at We want your:
PR Pitches

The internet of things (IoT) and Connected World

The internet of things – who wins, who loses?

IoT: Ingenious or Intrusive?

Monday, October 10, 2016

Friday, October 7, 2016

Voice Teacher

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Talks to watch before a job interview

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

At The Bank - vocabulary

Sunday, October 2, 2016

On an interview for a tourist visa to the USA

!!! Visitor visa interview questions,

Speak Up 6 Fabulous Games to Get Your Students Speaking

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016

Planning a writing lesson

Sunday, September 25, 2016

!!! 7 reasons why most people find writing hard to do

! Students who don't want to write

10 Reasons Nonreaders Don't Read — And How to Change Their Minds

Luba Vangelova : The direction in which learning is going: personalized, self-directed, grounded in the real world, and blurring the lines between age groups, teachers/students, formal/informal, etc. It taps into people's instincts and desires for play, creativity and meaning

You do not need to teach reading

“It is not normal to learn to read early, and it’s often a sign of hyperlexia, which is often paired with compromised social skills.

And it is certain that social skills are more important to a successful life than early reading is.

The teachers met separately with each parent and explained how dangerous hyperlexia is to a developing brain. A child’s social skills are developing at a rapid rate at age three, and if the brain starts focusing on words instead of social skills, the brain loses the chance to develop those social skills. The teachers told the parents to discourage early reading.
You get that intimate reading time for only a short span of your life with your kid. Why cut it short?

I learned from working in my family’s bookstore for ten years that as soon as kids can read themselves, they don’t want their parents to read to them. You never know when your kid will say no.“

Boy who did not want to learn to read - Children of Summerhill 1998

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Common Sales Communication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (written communication)

4 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills for Sales,
(No author is mentioned)

In more detail:

6 Tips to Make Reading Fun, Not Frustrating

Saturday, September 10, 2016

4 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills for Sales

15 best jobs for people who aren't good at f communicating
Author:  Andy Kiersz

Monday, September 5, 2016

English Lessons and Exercises Conditionals - if Clauses - Inversion

Гергана Павлова и Пламен Петров, Intunity Coaches: Коучинг подходът повишава качеството на взимане на лидерски решения

Приключението Intunity Coaches започна…

Friday, September 2, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Here’s How People Make Money From Viral Video

12 Ways You Can Make Money with Web Video

6 Tips to Design Interactive Virtual Classroom Training

Monday, August 29, 2016

Question tag

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Yora's TESOL 1st Part certificate

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Science of Silence – Rebuild Your Brain With Less Noise and More Nature

Friday, July 29, 2016

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Американски щати признават българския език за официален

5 tips for creating activity instructions in PowerPoint

Ето защо музиката на Моцарт е толкова лечебна

MoraModules Content (a model online business related to language teaching)

The Communicative Approach

"Characteristics of the Communicative Classroom 

The classroom is devoted primarily to activities that foster acquisition of L2.  Learning activities involving practice and drill are assigned as homework.
The instructor does not correct speech errors directly.
Students are allowed to respond in the target language, their native language, or a mixture of the two.
The focus of all learning and speaking activities is on the interchange of a message that the acquirer understands and wishes to transmit, i.e. meaningful communication.
The students receive comprehensible input in a low-anxiety environment and are personally involved in class activities. Comprehensible input has the following major components:
            a. a context

            b. gestures and other body language cues

            c. a message to be comprehended

            d. a knowledge of the meaning of key lexical items in the utterance"

MoraModules Content (a model online business related to language teaching)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Communicative Approach

"Characteristics of the Communicative Classroom 

The classroom is devoted primarily to activities that foster acquisition of L2.  Learning activities involving practice and drill are assigned as homework.
The instructor does not correct speech errors directly.
Students are allowed to respond in the target language, their native language, or a mixture of the two.
The focus of all learning and speaking activities is on the interchange of a message that the acquirer understands and wishes to transmit, i.e. meaningful communication.
The students receive comprehensible input in a low-anxiety environment and are personally involved in class activities. Comprehensible input has the following major components:
            a. a context

            b. gestures and other body language cues

            c. a message to be comprehended

            d. a knowledge of the meaning of key lexical items in the utterance"

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday, July 2, 2016

5 tips for creating activity instructions in PowerPoint

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Teach Your Children Wild Edible and Medicinal Plants with this Creative Board Game

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Sunday, May 1, 2016

TEFL: Reading Approach

A Teaching Method: Reading Approach | novaekasari09

What Is the Basal Reading Approach? -

? The "Reading Approach" and "The New Method System" (Michael West, The Modern Language Journal, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Dec., 1937), pp. 220-222) -

SQ3R Reading Method:

New English Language Teaching Methods | The Principled Eclecticism Approach

The Way Ahead

The respected author and American university professor, Douglas Brown, provides a list of the ‘ten commandments’ for effective language learning, applied to both ESL teachers and learners:
For EFL TeachersFor Language Learners
Lower inhibitionsFear not!
Encourage risk-takingDive in
Build self-confidenceBelieve in yourself
Develop intrinsic motivationSeize the day
Engage in cooperative learningWork with your team
Use right-brain processesGet the BIG picture
Promote ambiguity toleranceCope with the chaos
Practice intuitionFollow your hunches
Process error feedbackMake mistakes work FOR you
Set personal goalsSet your own goals
From his book Principles of Language Learning & Teaching (Pearson Longman, 2001)
These recommendations aim to promote learner autonomy and stress the importance of self-motivation. 

!!! All main TEFL methods/approaches

teaching-methods-timeline-large.png (2500×1250)

Second and Foreign Language Teaching Methods -

Theoretical Orientations to L2 Methods & Approaches

There are four general orientations among modern second-language methods and approaches:

1. STRUCTURAL/LINGUISTIC: Based on beliefs about the structure of language and descriptive or contrastive linguistics. Involves isolation of grammatical and syntactic elements of L2 taught either deductively or inductively in a predetermined sequence. Often involves much meta-linguistic content or "learning about the language" in order to learn the language.

2. COGNITIVE: Based on theories of learning applied specifically to second language learning. Focus is on the learning strategies that are compatible with the learners own style. L2 content is selected according to concepts and techniques that facilitate generalizations about the language, memorization and "competence" leading to "performance".

3. AFFECTIVE/INTERPERSONAL: Focuses on the psychological and affective pre-dispositions of the learner that enhance or inhibit learning. Emphasizes interaction among and between teacher and students and the atmosphere of the learning situation as well as students' motivation for learning. Based on concepts adapted from counseling and social psychology.

4. FUNCTIONAL/COMMUNICATIVE: Based on theories of language acquisition, often referred to as the "natural" approach, and on the use of language for communication. Encompasses multiple aspects of the communicative act, with language structures selected according to their utility in achieving a communicative purpose. Instruction is concerned with the input students receive, comprehension of the "message" of language and student involvement at the students' level of competence.

The Audio-lingual Method | English Language Teaching Methodologies

The audiolingual method -

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Mixed conditionals

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Types of Business Correspondence

Types of Business Correspondence

Sunday, April 3, 2016

"VideoScribe is pure magic. Create your own whiteboard-style animations with no design or technical know-how."

Friday, April 1, 2016

Networking teachers by MacMillan