Monday, February 16, 2015

Why do English teachers have to be native speakers? | The Japan Times

Why do English teachers have to be native speakers? | The Japan Times
Mark Shrosbree, the former vice-chair of the Foreign Language Center at Tokai University in Kanagawa, points out that, in business, education and travel, Japanese people are far more likely to encounter non-Western, non-native speakers. In his 2004 book “The Language Revolution,” British linguist David Crystal estimated that non-native speakers of English outnumber native speakers three to one.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Do boys need male teachers to learn a language? | British Council

Do boys need male teachers to learn a language? | British Council

PAPERLESS: Do You Provide Content For Students or Draw It From Them?

[PAPERLESS:] Do You Provide Content For Students or Draw It From Them?
... socially-constructed knowledge as opposed to paper-led facts.
... emergent intelligence & linguistic awareness as opposed to expense, bored scribbles and static scripts.
... emotional/social intelligence, self-expression and the story of language.
... everyday interaction as opposed to gluts of paper blocking the flow of humanistic linguistics.
3) What are the pedagogical reasons for running a paperless classroom?The advantage is primarily that it switches the focus of the course from providing content for the students to drawing the content from them. Classes became primarily about the students talking about their experiences and interests.

5) What was the most fundamental insight you gained?Consistency of approach is the most powerful tool in education. No one activity, no matter how engaging, will lead to learning. It is the consistent implementation of an approach in all classes and by all teachers that makes a progamme successful.

English teachers, are you asking the right questions? | British Council