Sunday, February 13, 2022

Cancer: The food shown to have a 'direct association' to cancer - and it's not meat


"Cancer remains a major scourge worldwide, despite vast resources being devoted to finding a cure. Growing evidence points to the role diet may play in the development of cancer. A 2008 study published in the Nutrition and Cancer journal found a "direct association" between refined cereals and stomach cancer.

Foods that have been processed and stripped of their nutritional values are known as refined foods.

Refined cereals include cake, desserts, white bread, pasta, muffins, sweet or savoury biscuits, refined grain breakfast cereals, white rice, pancakes, waffles and pizza.

The study in question investigated the role of a wide range of foods and beverages on the risk of stomach cancer.

Refined grains

Refined grains, in contrast to whole grains, refers to grain products consisting of grains or grain flours that have been significantly modified from their natural composition. The modification process generally involves the mechanical removal of bran and germ,[1] either through grinding or selective sifting. Further refining includes mixing, bleaching, and brominating; additionally, thiaminriboflavinniacin, and iron are often added back in to nutritionally enrich the product. Because the added nutrients represent a fraction of the nutrients removed, refined grains are considered nutritionally inferior to whole grains.[2] However, for some grains the removal of fiber coupled with fine grinding results in a slightly higher availability of grain energy for use by the body.[3] Furthermore, in the special case of maize, the process of nixtamalization (a chemical form of refinement) yields a considerable improvement in the bioavailability of niacin, thereby preventing pellagra in diets consisting largely of maize products.[citation needed]

Nutritional effects of refining or enriching wheat and rice[4]