Monday, March 23, 2015

Past Continuous - Examples in Songs! - YouTube

If you're looking for something to read, check out these links! > FB, British Council

If you're looking for something to read, check out these links! > FB, British Council

1) Stories & Poems from LearnEnglish and Learn English Teens!

2) Lit2Go - free classic novels, stories and poems from the University of Southern Florida. Read online, listen or download and print.
3) Library of American Short Stories - a great mix of classic and modern short stories
4) Project Gutenberg Australia - Lots of modern classics from Fitzgerald, Orwell, Woolf and more

Art Least: 3-2-1 Bridge: A creative warm-up and follow-up routine

Sunday, March 1, 2015

How young children learn English through play | British Council

How young children learn English through play | British Council

Five important tips for teachers who are new to this age group:
  1. Establish a set of classroom rules from day one. This will help you control behaviour within the classroom. Remind them of the rules regularly.
  2. Use procedures to organise the class. Children at this stage need to know what to do before activities begin. Remember that instructions need to be straightforward, and activities should be demonstrated (modelled) in advance.
  3. When conflicts arise, do not panic. Show yourself at ease and approach the students at their level, making eye contact. Speak to them with a soft tone of voice.
  4. Show enthusiasm about the activities they are going to participate in. Be part of the activities as well.
  5. Have a set of songs, chants and quick games to hand to keep their attention. You can use them at any moment in the class to change from one activity to the other.