Friday, January 29, 2021

Б Фестивала "Сурва" в Перник

 Б1 Кукерите - силата да прогоним злите сили,

Б2 Международния фестивал Сурова, 


Ивановски скални църкви

 А Ивановски скални църкви

А1 За Ивановски скални църкви:

   А1.1 Ивановски скални църкви, 

   А1.2 Тайнството, скрито в скалните църкви край Иваново,

   А1.3 ГЕОРГИ ТЕРТЕР I (неизв.), 

 "Аз, Иво Граматик, писах тези слова... когато погина цар Георги."

   А1.4 „Иисусова молитва“: „Господи, Иисусе Христе, Сине Божий, помилуй мя"

   А1.5 !?!? Ивановските стенописи, (с. 43?)


А2 Скали вместо сграда:

   А2.1 Най-красивите пещерни градове, 


Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Y Online Learning Network Eco Comunities / GOOGLE SEARCH RESULTS

Learn with the Global Ecovillage Network,
Log Out,

Welcome to GEN Europe
We are the European Ecovillage Network: a network of intentional com­munities, ecovillages and national ecovillage networks working together to create a regenerative world,

Gaia Education is a leading-edge provider of sustainability education that promotes thriving communities within planetary boundaries.

Online Learning Communities in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Learning Network Analysis of Twitter During the Shutdown
June 2020, International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education (iJAI) 2(1):85,
DOI: 10.3991/ijai.v2i1.15427, Authors:David Lemay, McGill University, Tenzin Doleck,

Resources for Online Learning
General Educational Resources for Everyone,

Learn the skills you need to succeed,,

Community-based learning for sustainable development
Corporate author:
UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning [1097],
4 p.
Also available in:
Français, Español, Русский язык
Year of publication:
Licence type:
CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO [8011]
Type of document:
programme and meeting document,

Study Stock flashcards (a lot of games?)

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Walnuts Vs. Almonds: Which Is Healthier?


Three years later, when she was 25 and still searching for a career, Brown enrolled in Bank Street’s Cooperative School for Student Teachers. It would prove to be a life-altering experience. Founded by visionary educator Lucy Sprague Mitchell, the school's teachers, psychologists, and researchers worked in an actual nursery school to study early childhood development. The adults at Bank Street were encouraged to take copious notes on the semantics and language styles used by young children. "They tell me stories and I write them down. Amazing,” Brown wrote to her college professor and mentor, Marguerite Hearsey.
One of Bank Street's early ground-breaking revelations in children's speech patterns was Mitchell's observation that "communication is not the earliest impulse that leads to the use of language." Instead, young kids were more interested in the "rhythm, sound quality and patterns of sound." Brown certainly understood this fact. Her work at the Bank Street Writers Laboratory showed a particular flair for rhythmic language that she would later use to hypnotic effect in Goodnight Moon. “Probably she has the most consistent and genuine interest in language of the group, perhaps of all our students. Her product, though slight, always shows sensitivity to form, sound and rhythm,” Mitchell wrote in one evaluation.
2. Goodnight Moon represented a new kind of children's literature: The "here-and-now."
In the 1930s, most children's literature was still firmly stuck in the 19th century, and consisted of moralizing fables or fairytales set in faraway lands and distant ages. Then, Bank Street and Lucy Mitchell started a new tradition: The so-called "here-and-now," which featured modern, urban settings and stories that would reflect a child’s actual existence. Young children, they believed, didn't need fantasy—daily routines were still new and exciting and in need of further exploration. Goodnight Moon deals explicitly with the "here and now" of a child's bedtime—all the physical items that make up a bedroom from telephones to socks with a focus on the single, simple act of saying "goodnight."

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Y Bicarb, vinegar, lemon juice: how to clean your house – even the oven – the old-fashioned way

Y Are almonds good for you? Nutritional facts and health benefits explained

Y Writing tips: Top authors share their best advice on how to write a book

Y 4 Language-Learning Apps for Language Lovers

Y Maybe 'dark matter' doesn't exist after all, new research suggests

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Y We keep looking for space aliens. Are they looking for us?

Y Is It Ok to Let Your Cat Sleep in Your Bed?

Y The Mediterranean diet is again named the best diet, and keto remains one of the worst

Y Aliens are out there. But a new study suggests they're more rare than we think

Y 13 Things Your Dog Wishes You’d Stop Doing

Y Climate crisis will cause falling humidity in global cities – study

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Y How to Write a Book That Sells

Y A wing and a prayer: how birds are coping with the climate crisis

Y Baking soda hacks: 10 household uses for baking soda

Y Contemplating the End of Physics

? The 10 biggest archaeology discoveries of 2020

Y Quasars Rip Across Galaxies Like Tsunamis – The Most Energetic Outflows Ever Witnessed in the Universe

Y Alien life is out there, but our theories are probably steering us away from it

Friday, January 1, 2021

Y Was That a Dropped Call From ET?

Could IKEA’s New Tiny House Help Fight the Climate Crisis?

The entire build took less than 60 days to complete and models start at $47,550, Travel + Leisure reported. Curbed created a virtual tour showcasing the eco-conscious and stylish elements.

Take a virtual tour of this adorable tiny home

Explore and shop our sustainable home on wheels, inspired by eco-friendly living and Scandinavian design.
Updated Oct 1, 2020, 3:43pm EDT  By Vox Creative me