Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Asking questions | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Maybe | Film English

Maybe | Film English

A lesson plan on a short movie (for teens?)

Teaching teens | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Teaching Learning/Learning Teaching: Setting the Table for Success: The Relationship Between Classroom Arrangement and Classroom Management

Teaching Learning/Learning Teaching: Setting the Table for Success: The Relationship Between Classroom Arrangement and Classroom Management:

Аранжировката на първата стая ми прилича на кабинета, където учих сугестопедия. Само дето столчетата тук  са доста повече от 10-те там...

Advocating equal hiring practices and employment rights in TEFL: nNEST: bush-league teachers? I don’t think so…

Advocating equal hiring practices and employment rights in TEFL: nNEST: bush-league teachers? I don’t think so…

"During my stay in London all my students contacted me because they wanted to have class with me! I couldn’t believe that! You don’t have to be a NEST to be a good teacher! A good teacher is someone who allows their students to LEARN. It doesn’t matter where you are from, your accent or if you make a mistake. Everyone can be wrong sometimes. No one is perfect. What makes a difference is the human touch you bring with you in the classroom!"

TEFL Equity Advocates campaign -

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Grand Designs - The Underground House - Cumbria - YouTube

Grand Designs - The Underground House - Cumbria - YouTube

English for Authentic Purposes: On teaching languages creatively: what might this look like in practice?

mELTing Activities, Lessons and Ideas: Zodiac Characterization

Whose accent is better? | ETp

How We Make Memories | MyScienceAcademy

Six Animations of Stories and Poems by Shel Silverstein - | Open Culture

10 English jokes to make learning English fun. | English with a Twist

Lizzie Pinard - RESET: five tips for staying motivated | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

mELTing Activities, Lessons and Ideas: End of Semester Gifts for students

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Курсове CELTA в АВО-Бел – дати и цени 2014 г

Курсове CELTA в АВО-Бел – дати и цени 2014 г

Курсове CELTA в АВО-Бел – дати и цени 2014 г

Курсове CELTA в АВО-Бел – дати и цени 2014 г

1/4 от учителите по английски с висше по друго -

1/4 от учителите по английски с висше по друго -

Информация за провежданите от ФКНФ курсове за придобиване на професионална квалификация "Учител по чужд език". / Новини / Факултет по класически и нови филологии / Факултети / Университетът / Начало - Софийски университет "Св. Кл. Охридски"

Информация за провежданите от ФКНФ курсове за придобиване на професионална квалификация "Учител по чужд език". / Новини / Факултет по класически и нови филологии / Факултети / Университетът / Начало - Софийски университет "Св. Кл. Охридски"

Classroom Management – a review of Class Dojo | A Hive of Activities

Delta conversations: James | Sandy Millin

Delta conversations: James | Sandy Millin

Delta - Cambridge English

Delta - Cambridge English

Cambridge Delta Course -

CELTA - Cambridge English

My top ten ELT books – how many have you read? | Reflections of an English Language Teacher

How to talk about hay fever – the vocabulary of spring allergies | English with a Twist

Friday, May 2, 2014

Ann Loseva: Learning outside teaching | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Ann Loseva: Learning outside teaching | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

The light moral of my musings might be as follows: don’t think a teacher is so almighty as to motivate students to do something they are not inclined to do. Think, instead, that a teacher is someone to help a learner recognize how English could fit in their plain of interests or professional needs. And of course, tell about the things you know with enthusiasm and convincingly enough.

!!! Sandy Millin: I'm a terrible student - motivate me! | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC

Sandy Millin: I'm a terrible student - motivate me! | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC
Edmodo is a social network for education. It looks a bit like facebook, but groups are closed. This means that you can only see what is posted if you have a ‘group code’ for your class. I use Edmodo to set homework, so nobody can say they didn’t know what it was...
Using Edmodo means I can easily make homework a bit more creative, rather than simply giving exercises from the workbook. One of the most successful activities I’ve tried is micro-dictations, which I now set every two to three weeks.
Find or record a very short audio clip, 20 seconds at most. You can clip one from a longer text Share the recording with students on Edmodo. They have to write what they hear.
... My all-time favourite way of encouraging students to practise outside class is Quizlet, a website designed to help you learn vocabulary. It has different activities designed in a fun way, allowing students to play games and compete with each other, as well as themselves (beating their own best time for example), to learn the words...

Let It Go from Frozen Lesson Plan | Lyrical English

Let It Go from Frozen Lesson Plan | Lyrical English