Friday, May 8, 2020

Welcome to the Pages of the Interslavic Language

for all slavs alike
come into being
blended together  
from scratch
consist entirely of
know how to 
except for

Interslavic is a language used by Slavs of  different nationalities for communication among themselves. This is made possible by the fact that the Slavic languages are a relatively COHERENT family: knowing one of them is usually sufficient to get a rough idea of what a text in any other Slavic language is about. Throughout the centuries, Slavs have learned to talk to their neighbours by means of simple, improvised language forms.

SIMULTANEOUSLY, the similarity of the Slavic languages has also inspired linguists and others to choose a more scientific approach, namely, to create a GENERIC Slavic language that would be understandable FOR ALL SLAVS ALIKE. The oldest and most famous example of such a Pan-Slavic language is the Old Church Slavonic language from the 9th century, however, from the 16th century onwards numerous other projects have appeared as well, all based on the same assumptions and sharing one common goal: to serve as a language that all people on Slavic TERRITORY can understand without prior study.

Interslavic in its current form has COME INTO BEING in the Summer of 2017 and is based on two language projects. The first of these was Slovianski, started in 2006 as a simple and NATURALISTIC auxiliary language based on the living Slavic languages. The second was Neoslavonic, established in 2009 as a modern version of Old Church Slavonic. Both projects collaborated closely with each other, gradually BLENDED TOGETHER and ultimately MERGED into a single standard. As a result, Interslavic is more active today than it has ever been before: it has ELABORATE dictionaries and PRIMERS in several languages, a complete grammar, a large community of speakers and interested BYSTANDERS, an annual conference, a collection of original and translated literature, a scientific journal, a news site, and several other places on the net. In 2019, Interslavic was featured in the film The Painted Bird, where it served as the language of the RURAL population.

Why Interslavic? A language like this can be useful for various purposes:
  • Interslavic can be a great help for travellers in the Slavic countries,
  • you can address the entire Slavic world via websites, FORA etc., without having to translate your information into several languages,
  • a person who knows Interslavic will have a better understanding of a text written in any Slavic language,
  • for students, it is a great introduction into Slavistics,
  • knowledge of Interslavic gives you an excellent base for quicker and easier learning of a second Slavic language.
Learning Interslavic is different from learning a foreign language FROM SCRATCH. Anyone who knows a Slavic language already knows most of it, because Interslavic CONSISTS ENTIRELY OF material that can be found in all Slavic languages, or at least of material that is intelligible to the speakers of as many Slavic languages as possible. Thus, learning Interslavic is mostly a matter of KNOW HOW TO transform one's own language to make it more intelligible to other Slavs. Listening and reading texts is usually enough to achieve that. For tourists and others who do not know any Slavic language, we propose an experimental, extremely simplified grammar, Slovianto.

True or False?
  1. Interslavic is one of the official languages in the Republic of Slavonia, which is used by its different ethnic groups in their communication with one another.
  2. Interslavic is created by inspired linguists and others through a scientific approach to make it understandable for all Slavs alike and without prior study. 
  3. Interslavic is a combined result of three previous projects, which  gradually blended together until  merging into a single standard. 
  4. Interslavic does not have  elaborate dictionaries yet, but they about to come into light together with primers in several languages, a complete grammar, an annual conference, a collection of original and translated literature, a scientific journal, a news site, and more.
  5. Interslavic will probably be used in the film project entitledoku The Painted Bird.
  6. Some practical applications of Interslavic are: in tourist industry; in website, blogs, events, etc. aimed at Slavs of all nationalities; as a introduction to reading in/learning any particular Slavic language, s well as to Slavistics in general.
  7. If you are a speaker of a Slavic language, you already know most of Interslavic,  because most of it can be found in all Slavic languages, or at least is intelligible to the speakers of most of the Slavic languages.
  8. Slovianto is an experimental, extremely simplified version of Interslavic for non-Slavic tourists and others, who already speak some Slavic language.


na stranice

Medžuslovjanskogo jezyka!


на странице

Меджусловјанского језыка!


to the pages of the

Interslavic language!
Medžuslovjansky jest jezyk, ktory Slovjani raznyh narodnostij koristajut, da by komunikovali jedin s drugym. To jest možno, ibo slovjanske jezyky sut shodna i srodna grupa. Znanje jednogo jezyka obyčno jest dostatočno, da by imělo se priblizno razuměnje o čem jest tekst na kojem-nebud drugom slovjanskom jezyku. Hvala stolětjam blizkogo susědstva Slovjani dobro znajut, kako dogovoriti se s drugymi Slovjanami s pomočju prostyh, improvizovanyh narěčij.
Меджусловјанскы јест језык, кторы Словјани разных народностиј користајут, да бы комуниковали једин с другым. То јест можно, ибо словјанске језыкы сут сходна и сродна група. Знанје једного језыка обычно јест достаточно, да бы имєло се приблизно разумєнје о чем јест текст на којем-небуд другом словјанском језыку. Хвала столєтјам близкого сусєдства Словјани добро знајут, како договорити се с другыми Словјанами с помочју простых, импровизованых нарєчиј.
Interslavic is a language used by Slavs of different nationalities for communication among themselves. This is made possible by the fact that the Slavic languages are a relatively coherent family: knowing one of them is usually sufficient to get a rough idea of what a text in any other Slavic language is about. Throughout the centuries, Slavs have learned to talk to their neighbours by means of simple, improvised language forms.
Jednočasno medžusobna shodnost vsih slovjanskyh jezykov nadyhala jezykoznavcev i drugyh do vyše naučnogo podhoda, to znači: do tvorjenja generičnogo slovjanskogo jezyka, razumlivogo vsim Slovjanam. Najstarši i najslavnějši priměr takogo vseslovjanskogo jezyka jest staro(crkovno)­slovjansky jezyk iz 9. stolětja, ale od 16. stolětja pojavili se takože mnoge ine projekty. Vse sut osnovane na tyhže samyh prědpoloženjah i imajut jedin obči cělj: služiti kako jezyk, ktory vsi ljudi na slovjanskoj oblasti mogut razuměti bez nikakoj poprědnjej nauky.
Једночасно меджусобна сходност всих словјанскых језыков надыхала језыкознавцев и другых до выше научного подхода, то значи: до творјенја генеричного словјанского језыка, разумливого всим Словјанам. Најстарши и најславнєјши примєр такого всесловјанского језыка јест старо­(црковно)­словјанскы језык из 9. столєтја, але од 16. столєтја појавили се такоже многе ине пројекты. Все сут основане на тыхже самых прєдположенјах и имајут једин обчи цєљ: служити како језык, кторы вси људи на словјанској области могут разумєти без никакој попрєдњеј наукы.
Simultaneously, the similarity of the Slavic languages has also inspired linguists and others to choose a more scientific approach, namely, to create a generic Slavic language that would be understandable for all Slavs alike. The oldest and most famous example of such a Pan-Slavic language is the Old Church Slavonic language from the 9th century, however, from the 16th century onwards numerous other projects have appeared as well, all based on the same assumptions and sharing one common goal: to serve as a language that all people on Slavic territory can understand without prior study.
Sample text of Slovjanto:

Sample text: In the restaurant

— Dobry denj! Restoran jest otvorjeny?
— Dobry denj. Da, my jest otvorjeny.
— Možno tu piti něčto?
— Očevidno, čto prinesti k vas?
— Čto vy imat?
— Čaj, kava, pivo, vino, vodka...
— A vy takože imat něčto hladne?
— Da, my imat sok, voda, mlěko...
— Togda dajte nam dva soki, prosim.
— Dva soki, dobro. Vy takože hočet jesti něčto?
— Može... Vy imat hlěb?
— Da, očevidno. Hlěb, meso, ryba, vsečto jest.
— Hvala, samo hlěb s maslo, prosim.
— Good day! Is the restaurant open?
— Good day. Yes, we are open.
— Is it possible to have something to drink here?
— Of course, what shall I bring you?
— What do you have?
— Tea, coffee, beer, wine, vodka...
— Do you also have something cold?
— Yes, we have juice, water, milk...
— Then please give us two juice.
— Two juice, okay. Would you like to eat something as well?
— Maybe... Do you have bread?
— Yes, of course. Bread, meat, fish, everything is there.
— Thank you, just breat with butter, please.

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